NEONEO – tā ir plaša augstākās klases darbnīcas un būvniecības instrumentu gamma, kas ir paredzēta lielām slodzēs un augstai darba intensitātei.
Zīmols NEO piedāvā visprasīgākiem lietotājiem mehānisku darbnīcu instrumentus, kas ir nepieciešami savienošanai, mērīšanai, kā arī pilna apmēra būvniecības un apdares darbu īstenošanai. NEO – tie ir arī novatoriskie risinājumi instrumentu transportēšanai un uzglabāšanai.
NEO tiek ražots uz mūsdienīgu materiālu un tehnoloģiju bāzes, kas garantē izturību un drošumu. NEO zīmols – tā ir stabilās kvalitātes garantija.
NEO instrumenti ir konstruēti ar domu par profesionāļiem, kas novērtē visaugstāko izturību un kvalitāti. Mēs rekomendējam šo zīmolu arī motorizācijas entuziastiem, kuriem nepieciešami droši augstākās klases instrumenti, kas būtu noderīgi automobiļu vai motociklu aizraušanās realizēšanai.
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BALMAThe BALMA Brand, on the market since 1950, has always been considered as the best expression of compressed air tecnology, reliability, efficiency of performance. During the years the computing research and development for new products and production processes has allowed BALMA to introduce on the national and international markets one of the most complete and important ranges of air compressor with cast iron components, aimed maily to the professional and industrial sectors of the market.
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GRAPHITEGRAPHITE – tas ir plašs elektroinstrumentu un to piederumu piedāvājums, kas ir radīts remonta, būvniecības un galdniecības darbiem.
GRAPHITE zīmola piedāvājumā gan amatieri, gan arī profesionāļi atradīs sev nepieciešamos instrumentus urbšanai, apciršanai, nojaukšanai, griešanai, zāģēšanai, slīpēšanai un citu manipulāciju virknei, kas tiek veiktas tādos populāros materiālos kā betons, ķieģelis, ģipškartons, koksne, keramiskā flīze, keramogranīts, stikls, plastmasa, krāsainie metāli, dzelzs un augstās kvalitātes tērauds.
Šie produkti ir domāti intensīvai izmantošanai pie slodzēm, kas ir pietuvinātas ražošanas slodzēm.
Tāpēc mēs adresējam zīmolu GRAPHITE prasīgiem amatieriem, kas darbojas mājas apstākļos, kā arī profesionāļiem, kas veic papildus darbus vai vidējās slodzes un intensitātes pamatdarbus.
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VERTOVERTO is a choice of power tools and power tool accessories in a popular class, designed for home tasks and small craft jobs.
All those who carry out small renovation and building works, woodworking and fitting, will find that VERTO includes tools for drilling, screwing, sawing, grinding, sanding and many other jobs, and allows to work easily with popular building and construction materials.
VERTO products are designed for regular use in moderate load tasks, typical for renovation and decoration.
VERTO is well accepted among tinkerers who carry out ambitious works at home with no aid. At the same time those tools are perfect for professionals who are looking for simple solutions.
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TOPEXПродукция марки «Topex» предназначена для любителей, для тех, кто самостоятельно выполняет домашний ремонт. Благодаря постоянно улучшающемуся качеству и привлекательным ценам, к инструментам марки «Topex» все чаще обращаются и профессиональные строители. Заботясь о своих клиентах, фирма создала и развивает лабораторию, в которой инструменты подвергаются тщательным испытаниям на выносливость и качество. Данные характеристики имеют большое значение для малых строительных фирм, так как позволяют поддерживать конкурентоспособные цены на оказываемые услуги, без снижения уровня безопасности и качества труда.
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BOHLEThe Bohle Group is Europe’s leading manufacturer and wholesaler of tools, machinery and accessories for glass processing and glass finishing. The family business, founded in 1923, is now represented by over 300 employees at thirteen locations in Germany and abroad. Divided into the product divisions Handling, Glass Cutting, Glass Bonding, Glazing, Tools, Machinery, Fittings and Surface Protection, the total product range is precisely tailored to the respective customer groups from trade, industry and retail. Quality is the leading principle at Bohle – in every area. To live up to this requirement, the company develops and manufactures many products themselves, for example. A modern logistics centre quickly sends the ordered goods on their way to the customer.
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DEFORT«DeFort» – это гамма качественных замков и элементов защиты дверей.
Программа «DeFort» охватывает замки и навесные замки с повышенным уровнем безопасности
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METALWELDWraz z rozwojem przemysłu, a w tym branży spawalniczej, na początku lat dziewięćdziesiątych, na rynku krajowym pojawili się zarówno nowi producenci, jak i dystrybutorzy materiałów spawalniczych. Taką właśnie firmą jest METALWELD-FIPROM POLSKA, założony w Tychach, w 1993 roku.
Nasza firma powstała z inicjatywy kilku przedsiębiorczych osób, które zwróciły się o wsparcie technologiczne do Holdingu Hut Słoweńskich FIPROM z Jesenic (obecnie Elektrode Jesenice), który od ponad 50 lat jest uznanym w świecie producentem materiałów spawalniczych.
Dzięki takiemu wsparciu, METALWELD szybko zdobył sporą część rynku.
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STABILAUnique Vial Design for Ultimate Precision
STABILA levels are consistent and accurate in the “vial up” or “vial down” positions. Our bright, crystal-clear vials are polished and easy to read through a complete 300-degree range. STABILA’s sensitive bubbles reflect the slightest deviation, detected by spring-steel hair-line indicators, positioned in precise grooves inside the barrel of each vial.
Straight, Strong and Tough - Like No Other
Every STABILA level has a precision straight edge over its entire length. You can trust STABILA's accuracy job after job because of their rugged construction. Our levels are made to resist heavy and repeated drops, blows and twisting—the everyday rigors of rough jobsites.
Accuracy "Locked In" for a Lifetime of Use
Through a precision manufacturing technique, we secure each vial in the frame using a patented epoxy locking system. Individually calibrated vials are molded permanently to the frame, reinforcing the strength of every STABILA level. We certify the accuracy of every level and guarantee they will maintain their accuracy for life.
STABILA levels represent the perfect balance of accuracy and durability, technology and craftsmanship. For over a century, quality tradesmen have trusted STABILA to be accurate 100% of the time.
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Top ToolsTOP TOOLS – tā ir manuālu pamatinstrumentu gamma, kas ir domāta viegliem remonta un apdares darbiem.
TOP TOOLS instrumenti – tas ir visvienkāršākais risinājums griešanai, zāģēšanai, pieskrūvēšanai, ieskrūvēšanai, urbšanai, ielocīšanai, iesišanai, piesišanai, savienošanai, mērīšanai, apmešanai, grīdas flīžu un paneļu montāžai, krāsošanai un maziem darbiem ar koksni un metālu.
TOP TOOLS produkti ir domāti maziem remontdarbiem mājās un vasarnīcā.
TOP TOOLS mēs rekomendējam iesācējiem-amatieriem.
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FRAMEFRAME – tā ir instrumentu un specializētā aprīkojuma bagāta gamma, kas domāta mehāniskām darbnīcām.
Zīmols FRAME piedāvā iekārtas transportlīdzekļu un to konstrukcijas lielgabarīta elementu pacelšanai, instrumentus specializētām mehāniskām manipulācijām, kompresorus un darbnīcu saspiestā gaisa piedziņu instrumentus, metināšanas aparātus un to piederumus.
FRAME – tie ir produkti, kas domāti profesionālai izmantošanai darbnīcas apstākļos, kuru raksturo vidējā darba slodžu un intensitāšu pakāpe.
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BESSEYGroup arose from long-established company BESSEY & Sohn, and was founded in 1889 in Stuttgart by Max Bessey as a bright steel drawing plant.
Production of hand tools began in 1936 with the original BESSEY malleable cast iron screw clamp. Other innovations in the area of clamps followed, such as the original BESSEY all-steel screw clamp, patented in 1952. In 1979 BESSEY took over Diener Werkzeugfabrik GmbH, a company equally rich in tradition, thus establishing its cutting technology unit with the renowned Erdi snips.
In 2005 BESSEY & Sohn was spun into two independent companies – BESSEY Tool GmbH & Co. KG, handling the clamping and cutting technology areas, and BESSEY Präzisionsstahl GmbH – both headquartered in Bietigheim-Bissingen, in south west Germany.
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CYNELPowders of soldering alloys E-mail
07 OCTOBER 2012
In the third quarter of 2012 Cynel Unipress Co. Ltd. started the production of powders of soldering alloys intended for applications in electronics.
The quality of produced powders corresponds to the J-STD-005 standard and meets the requirements for powders used for the production of soldering pastes.
Range of products:
Powders of leaded alloys:
Powders of unleaded alloys:
Sn96.5Ag3Cu0.5 (SAC305)
Sn95.5Ag3.8Cu0.7 (SAC387)
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DECADeca is one of the leading Companies manufacturing welding equipments. It has been on the market for over 30 years obtaining ever increasing success. The company's mission is to manufacture welding equipments able to satisfy the requirments of all kinds ofwelders: do-it-yourself, maintenance, workshop technicians, professional welders. People who want to craft iron into tools, machinery, structures and thousands of other useful things. To each of there people, Deca offers the right equipment to always reach the best results from their work.
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PRESSOLFirst there was the idea, followed by a functional oiler. Today we offer a product range of more than 2500 articles.
1914 Jakob Pressl sets the foundation-stone. As a ship's officer he develops a pump oiler registering it as a patent of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Patent No. 61 713, dated September 1st, 1913.
1920 the first manufactory is founded as a single piece production.
1949 additional oiler types, funnels, measuring jugs, supply cans and metal oil barrel pumps provide the basis for a rapid growth.
1975 hand lever grease guns with world-wide patents and accessories are manufactured on a large scale. Meanwhile 1.3 million grease guns leave our line-production.
1986 starts the entrance into the workshop technology with the development of pneumatic oil and grease pumps. A continuing development process of waste oil disposal systems, hose reels, tanks and diesel supply systems completes the assortment.
today we are complete supplier for lubrication technology of all types. We manufacture in series-production. More than 85 % of our product range is manufactured in our own production plants. A wide product range reaches world-wide more than 15,000 customers in more than 100 countries. Our product program covers more than 2500 end products. Per year PRESSOL produces 83 million individual parts.
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